Building The Right Product with User Personas

A Quick Start Guide

Gavin Singh
The 10 Second PM


Source: Venngage

As a product manager, you understand your users very well, and you aim to solve their problems. Part of your role is the voice of the customer (VOC) and dissemination of this knowledge within the organization, particularly the team building the product.

Generally, the project team will have a good high-level idea of who the users are and the problem to be solved so that major technical decisions will be unambiguous.

However, designers & developers are also making many small technical decisions throughout the process that will impact the final product. Those technical decisions are based on a picture they have in their mind of the user.

Unfortunately, everyone on the team has their own picture of the user in their mind. The unintentional impact is some product functionality that deviates from the intended operation based on how the developer imagined that particular user.

User personas solve this problem by providing a clear picture of model users, enabling developers to make sound technical decisions.

The Goal of Personas

The goal of a persona is to provide designers and developers with a model of the user to think about as they design the experience and develop the…



Gavin Singh
The 10 Second PM

Product & Program Manager specializing in Big Data and IoT Products & Solutions that deliver business results.