The Monkey Trap

Tom Connor
10x Curiosity
Published in
3 min readJul 3, 2022

Can we just let go of our favourite treats even as the danger is clear?

From the wonderful Book — Transition Engineering(Chapter 1) author Susan Krumdieck describes how bush hunters catch monkeys with a surprisingly simple trap. Simply a jar with a small opening tied to a tree with a large piece of the monkey’s favourite food inside. When the monkey reaches to get the food they cant pull their hand out of the jar as long as they are holding onto the fruit. Even seeing the danger of the hunter approaching is not enough to scare the monkey into dropping the fruit and making an escape.

image ref (KMacGinn)

Krundeick uses this analogy to compare to our current dependence on fossil fuels — particularly oil.

Your future depends on what you do right now. There is one future where you let go of your favourite food and run to safety. There is another future where you don’t.

There is no question that fossil fuels are the best energy source and always will be. There is no question that using fossil fuels lets us have lifestyles more comfortable and convenient than most of the kings in history. There is no question that we need fossil fuels to keep our lives going in the ways we expect. And there is no question that the risks are real and present. We know that if we down-shift the production of fossil fuels dramatically it would mitigate the risks. There is one future where fossil fuel use is curtailed for consumption and used only as an essential work fuel. There is another future where we don’t let go of doing what we want until it is too late

One important thing to keep in mind is that there are no solutions to a monkey trap.

A monkey trap is not a problem; it is not a thing that happened to the mon-key. A monkey trap is a situation that resulted from a series of choices and a set of realities.

Transition Engineering is best described as strategic change management.

The solution already exists — curtail fossil fuel production. Transition Engineering is the work of discovering how.

image ref

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Tom Connor
10x Curiosity

Always curious - curating knowledge to solve problems and create change