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10x Curiosity
Always curious - curating knowledge to solve problems and create change
Mental Models
Best Of...
Nobody cares
Nobody cares
Nor should they
Tom Connor
Oct 30, 2022
Process as Proxy and the Fetish of Technique
Process as Proxy and the Fetish of Technique
Is methodology serving a purpose or has it become an “Irrational Ritual”?
Tom Connor
Sep 24, 2022
Emergent Stupidity
Emergent Stupidity
Do a simple set of organisational rules lead to group excellence or group stupidity?
Tom Connor
Aug 22, 2022
Democratic Lotteries
Democratic Lotteries
Why don’t we replace elections with lotteries?
Tom Connor
Aug 14, 2022
12 Mental models I frequently draw on
12 Mental models I frequently draw on
Having written and read over a wide range of topics over the years there are a series of mental models and hacks that I continue to come…
Tom Connor
Jul 31, 2022
I’d never thought of that
I’d never thought of that
Do our current defaults make sense?
Tom Connor
Jul 24, 2022
The Monkey Trap
The Monkey Trap
Can we just let go of our favourite treats even as the danger is clear?
Tom Connor
Jul 3, 2022
The 10x Engineer — A Tool kit of mental models
The 10x Engineer — A Tool kit of mental models
A comprehensive list of models and tools to 10x your engineering skills.
Tom Connor
Oct 6, 2018
Design thinking and lean startup concepts to make your team more agile.
Design thinking and lean startup concepts to make your team more agile.
Here is a summary of some of the reference material I have found most useful in exploring design thinking and lean start-up concepts
Tom Connor
Jul 26, 2018
Questions to get you unstuck…
Questions to get you unstuck…
A good question can be just the trick you need to remove the block and get things flowing again.
Tom Connor
Nov 5, 2018
10x Curiosity Contents page
All the links from the blog
Tom Connor
Jul 22, 2019
About 10x Curiosity
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