Andrew Huberman Routine: Optimizing Productivity and Wellness

The Digital Investor
Published in
5 min readApr 12, 2024


Dr. Andrew D. Huberman, a distinguished neuroscientist and professor at Stanford University School of Medicine, is renowned for his groundbreaking research in brain development and visual systems.

Beyond his academic achievements, Dr. Huberman’s daily routine reflects a meticulously crafted regimen aimed at enhancing productivity, physical health, and overall well-being.

Routine Breakdown

5:30 to 6:00am — Wake Up

6:00am — Morning Hydration,
Benefits of Athletic Greens into Your Daily Routine,
Yoga Routine

6:45am — Sun Exposure

7:00am — Cold Exposure

7:30am — Workout Routine

10:00am — Coffee

1:00 pm — First Meal

6:30 pm — Afternoon Cardio

7:00 pm — Dinner

9:30 pm — Prepares For Sleep

10:30 pm — Sleep Time

Andrew Huberman Morning Routine

5:30 to 6:00am — Wake Up

Dr. Huberman’s day begins between 5:30 am and 6:00 am, without the use of an alarm.

He emphasizes the importance of waking up early to enhance energy levels and circadian rhythm regulation.

Waking up early, usually around 5:00 or 6:00 am helps you feel more energized and focused throughout the day. Additionally, early mornings are beneficial for regulating circadian rhythms, which can help to improve sleep quality. — Dr. Huberman

6:00am — Morning Hydration

When he wakes up, he hydrates with two glasses of water and incorporates Athletic Greens and LMNT electrolytes into his morning routine for essential vitamins, minerals, and hydration support.

“I’ve been using AG1 since 2012 because it’s the simplest, most straightforward way for me to get my basis of important vitamins, minerals, and probiotics. — Dr.Huberman

Dr. Huberman’s opionion on Athletic Greens

“Whenever somebody has asked me what’s the one supplement they should take, I always answer AG1 by Athletic Greens.”

Dr. Huberman’s opionion on electrolytes in the morning

“Typically, what I do in the morning is I hydrate, I do take an electrolyte drink, which is a salt-heavy electrolyte drink called LMNT. LMNT is an electrolyte drink that has everything you need in order to get your brain and body to function at its best, but none of the things you don’t, in particular, sugar”

Here are some more benefits of incorporating Athletic Greens in your daily routine.

6:00am — Yoga

Following hydration, Dr. Huberman engages in a 10–35 minute Yoga Nidra session, a practice known for its ability to induce relaxation and replenish dopamine levels.

6:45am — Sun Exposure

He then spends 2 to 10 minutes outdoors to absorb morning sunlight, stimulating cortisol release and optimizing circadian rhythms.

7:00am — Cold Exposure

Cold exposure is a trend with some science behind it. Ice baths are often the go-to, but they’re not for everyone.

The good news? Chilly showers can be just as effective.

While ice baths might pack a stronger punch, cold showers offer a convenient and refreshing way to experience the potential benefits of cold exposure

7:30am — Workout Routine

Workout Routine: Dr. Huberman’s workout regimen is structured and diverse, encompassing endurance training, strength exercises, and high-intensity interval training throughout the week.

He incorporates specific supplements such as Alpha-GPC and Tyrosine from Momentous Supplements to enhance performance and recovery.

Weekly Workout Plan (60 Minutes)

  • Sunday — Endurance Training(Long Runs, Swims, Cycling)
  • Monday — Legs(Squats, Lunges, Deadlifts)
  • Tuesday — Heat/Cold Cycling(Hot Yoga, Sauna, Cold Plunge)
  • Wednesday — Torso (Push/Pull)(Chest, Back, Core)
  • Thursday — High Effort, Short Cardio(Sprinting Intervals, Jump Rope)
  • Friday — HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)

Remember: This is a guide! Feel free to customize the exercises and order to fit your needs. Just ensure proper rest between workouts.

10:00am — Morning Coffee

Delay the intake of caffeine or tea until 2 hours after waking to let your body regulate adenosine levels.

Choose Yerba Mate over coffee for a more laid-back vibe. Go ahead and buy some Yerba Mate.

Kickstart your day by focusing on tasks that require deep thinking early in the morning.

Tip from Andrew:

“If I’m going to do a resistance training workout, which is what I do three times a week, I will drink Yerba Mate. I usually brew my own. I’m a big fan of yerba mate because of the caffeine source. It also has a different caffeine-like substance in it. It also is not as dehydrating as coffee, but I also just really like it. But people should avoid the smoked varieties. The smoked varieties can be carcinogenic. “

1:00pm — First Meal

Practices Intermittent Fasting.

Usually fasts for 12–16 hours, and has his first meal early afternoon.

He usually eats a low-carb meal with meat and vegetables, but may add carbs like rice or oatmeal after intense exercise.

6:30pm — Evening Cardio

According to Dr. Huberman, it may be more beneficial to do cardio workouts in the evening instead of weight training.

However, he emphasizes that it’s important to do what feels comfortable for you. He also mentions that there could be some advantages to doing a morning workout and saving cardio for the evening.

7:00pm — Dinner

Consumes a meal 3–4 hours prior to bedtime.

Incorporates carbohydrates to replenish glycogen levels and aid sleep.

Steers clear of excessive meat consumption before bed to prevent prolonged gastric clearance.

9:30 pm — Prepares for Sleep

Dim the lighting

“Steer clear of bright lights, particularly overhead lights, between 10 pm and 4 am. Here’s a simple guideline: use only the amount of artificial lighting needed to ensure your safety and mobility during nighttime. Blue blockers may provide some assistance at night, but it’s still best to dim the lights. Bright lights of any color can disrupt your circadian rhythm. Candlelight and moonlight are perfectly acceptable alternatives.”

10:00 pm — Likes to Read

Andrew Huberman’s Reads:

Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity

Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

10:00pm — Sleep

At least 6.5 hours

Dr. Huberman emphasizes that sleep is the ultimate nootropic, stress reliever, trauma alleviator, immune enhancer, hormone balancer, and emotional stabilizer.

Given these profound benefits, it’s no wonder his entire routine is dedicated to optimizing sleep.

Dr Andrew Huberman on Sleep Supplements

There are supplements that for most people will greatly improve their ability to fall and stay asleep and the three main supplements in that category or that kit of Momentous Sleep Supplements.

Momentous Sleep Supplements (buy)

What are you going to add to your routine?

I am going to try incorporate cold exposure to my weekly routine!
Also need to reduce phone light before bed.



The Digital Investor

Software engineering and enthusiast, enjoying all things digital