How can an outreach strategy help CXOs maximise their LinkedIn presence

Published in
4 min readOct 16, 2023

by Debarati Chakraborty

“LinkedIn is a tool that allows you to promote yourself, your business, and your products and services. Don’t be shy. Tell your audience why they should work for, buy from, or hire you.”

Viveka von Rosen, Co-Founder, Vengreso

Rosen is also known as the ‘LinkedIn Expert’

LinkedIn can be extremely valuable for CXOs looking to foster relevant connections and accomplish professional goals. And although top-tier senior executives understand the power of social selling on LinkedIn, many are yet to explore the full potential of their accounts.

As a CXO seeking a fresh challenge or an exciting new role, it is crucial to build a robust LinkedIn profile, for which you can use two strategies:

I. Content Strategy

II. Outreach Strategy

Content Strategy refers to the approach a CXO can adopt to create, publish and engage with content on LinkedIn. If you wish to know more, read our previous article on ‘Why CXOs should use content strategy to leverage LinkedIn’.

In this article, we shall focus on Outreach Strategy and how CXOs can use it to maximise their LinkedIn presence.

What do we mean by an Outreach Strategy for LinkedIn?

An Outreach Strategy is a systematic approach that CXOs can adopt to connect and engage with fellow professionals on LinkedIn. It can help you network with like-minded professionals, expand your audience and gain information about new roles and jobs.

Here is a step-by-step plan for an effective Outreach Strategy for LinkedIn:

1. Use LinkedIn Jobs

The LinkedIn Jobs section is a valuable tool that CXOs can use to search for relevant work opportunities and gain market insights. There is an option to narrow the search to suit your location, industry, seniority and pay scale. Also, by monitoring new job postings on LinkedIn, you can gain insights into hiring trends or demand for specific skills.

2. Use Connection Requests

CXOs can use the LinkedIn Connect section to send out invites to potential clients or industry leaders. The chance that your request is accepted increases if you personalize it with a message. You can mention a common interest or something specific that you wish to discuss with the clients or experts.

3. Use LinkedIn Premium

LinkedIn’s Premium membership offers a variety of enhanced features and advantages for CXOs. You can choose a plan, such as Premium Career, Premium Business or Premium Sales Navigator, based on your specific needs. You should review the benefits and subscription levels before signing up.

LinkedIn Premium offers a host of benefits:

i) Profile Visibility: You can see expanded information about all viewers and check other profiles discreetly. You can gain insights into how you compare with your peers.

ii) Search Filters: You can access advanced search filters. These can help you refine your job searches and find relevant connections or job opportunities more efficiently.

iii) InMail Credits: You can directly message influential recruiters or senior executives outside your immediate network. Personalized InMail messages ensure the receiver recognizes the relevance and value of this connection.

iv) Salary Insights: You can gain access to salary ranges for various jobs or industries. These insights can help you gauge salary trends and understand how to position yourself and your commercials.

v) Job Insights: You can compare your application with competing applications. These insights can help you tailor your submission or bid for specific roles.

vi) Learning Materials: You can have access to exclusive LinkedIn courses. These learning materials can help you develop new skills and domain knowledge.

vii) Premium Badge: You can highlight the Premium badge on your profile. This badge can separate you from the crowd and prove your commitment to professional growth.

4. Participate in LinkedIn events

CXOs can find value in LinkedIn events and webinars. Attending these virtual events can help you gain insights into topical subjects and industry trends. You can expand your network by sharing your knowledge with a wide range of audiences.

5. Engage with recruiters and companies

CXOs can thoughtfully connect with relevant recruiters and companies on LinkedIn. Apart from sending connection requests to recruiters, you can follow companies to receive notifications for new opportunities and job postings. You can increase your visibility and networking chances by commenting on, liking or sharing posts by recruiters.

To sum up, the key to a successful Outreach Strategy for LinkedIn revolves around authenticity, value-addition and a keen interest in building relevant connections. As a CXO, this strategy can help convert your LinkedIn interactions into professional opportunities.



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