How to Embed a Video Clip

and designate its starting and ending point.

Eric Drown
110 Seconds from Now


One of the nice things about Medium is how easily it allows you to embed images and videos into your stories. All you do is set your cursor between paragraphs and click the little plus sign in the left margin, browse to find your image or paste in the video URL, and you’re good.

But what if you want the video to start at second 74 and end at the 2 minute 10 second mark? You’ll have to make a few changes to the URL.

Here’s the URL of a video of young chefs making Roasted Potato Smashers:

Change the /watch?v=/ to /embed/. Then move to the end of the video identifier, add ?rel=0&start=74&end=130&autoplay=0.

Here’s what it looks like:

The start and end numbers are calculated in seconds, and if you want the video to play automatically on page load, change the 0 to 1.

Happy Cooking!

These potato smashers are really good. You should make them!

