After MVP

Artem Fedin
111 minutes
Published in
3 min readAug 28, 2015

You can find lots of information about the importance of MVP as well as reasons you should create it before releasing your product. One of the most important reasons is “getting feedback.” But what feedback and how can you get it? You will find the answers in this article.

Feedback answers the question: Is your MVP the correct way to product market fit? Is it a viable solution to the customers’ problem? How can the product get better?

This is information you can get from the early adopters in different ways. Check these ways out.

Detective Has a Couple of Questions…

The first way you should get information is by asking questions. Question your early adopters. Tell them what problems you believe your product solves. Then ask them if they agree and why.

Listen for positive and negative answers.

  • How does it work for users, on a scale of 0 to 10? Why so?

Pay attention to those people that gave a 9 and 10 to your product. If they are not flattering, you need to know where to find more of them. Try asking for specific examples of product usage, demographic details, and the like. Find more in common with these users.

It may happen that 10 out of 100 people will give maximum points for your product. After a review, you will find out that they are drivers and your task manager with integrated GPS (for example) works great for them. So you can focus on these kinds of people in the developing product.

  • What could be improved about the product?

You shouldn’t consider and implement everything, but users can give really good advice on the product.

Also, fulfil feedback with the following questions:

  • How could users’ experience be improved?
  • What’s the hardest part about using the product?
  • What feature(s) do users wish the product had?
  • What features do users wish were removed from the product?
  • What would make early adopters motivated to recommend the product to a friend or colleague?
  • What is the most useful feature of product?

Though you may have heard it a thousand times, I will still mention that conducting a survey is a better option only if you know all the probable answers to your questions.

You shouldn’t implement everything you get from users. They might not know what they want and your product will satisfy their needs in the time sharing. Info can be old at the moment of the product’s release, so consider feedback, analyze it to make conclusions.

The other way is behavior monitoring.

Grow Up

Your value hypotheses lead to your growth hypotheses (are they the same or changed after getting feedback and monitoring customers behaviour?).

Once you figure out how to get your customer involuntarily using your product/service, ask why customers are using your product. This would be considered the viral engine of growth, which is the quickest way to validate your growth hypothesis and theoretically put you on the fast track to Product Market Fit.

Create MVP, get feedback, improve your product, and find the best product market fit!

Find additional info about users behavior in full article at 111 Minutes Blog!



Artem Fedin
111 minutes

Freelancer, Product Manager at Periodix, Coffee Lover