Choosing ‪‎platform‬ for first product release: Android or iOS

Artem Fedin
111 minutes
Published in
3 min readOct 22, 2015

It is very important to choose either the Android or iOS platform to start developing an app. Both platforms have different users, so make your choice depending on your goals. So then, what platform will work the best for your first app release: android or iOS?


The most important thing you must consider is your audience. Researching who your audience is works great. Find out if Android or iOS is more preferable by your users.

Both platforms have huge audiences across the globe. However, Android is happy to be the most popular OS in the world. Its stats differ from country to country, but an online service might help you in your Android or iOS choice. This online service is called KantarWorldPanel, and it shows the usage of an OS in different countries.

Now what does it provide for you?

Releasing an app developed for the Android platform can spread your product much farther than in iOS. This is very important for startups or businesses where competitors are close on the heels. Be the first to release a product and get users.

Also, it will be quicker to get in front of users by avoiding the App Store approval process that will take some time. Apple has guidelines and restrictions, so an app might not pass to the store and you’ll have to spend more time making changes. This is why the Android operation system is better if you provide adult or controversial content.

Feedback is also important for all your products. The more people who use the product, the more feedback you’ll get. And it might help you to avoid mistakes and provide a better user experience for the iOS version of the app.

Big brands and famous companies usually start with releasing their app first on the iOS platform. Their strategy is to get a critical mass of users in iOS and then to develop an app for Android devices afterwards. In this case, startups may hurry to release an app for Android instead of iOS first, getting some market share in the process before the big players get to Android for another reason.

So Which Is It: Android or iOS?

Platform choice depends on:

  • Your audience (what do they prefer more?);
  • Your goals (start to get revenue with iOS or start with Android to get feedback and more users);
  • And your competitors (do they have an app for Android? Do you have some time to wait for approval at the AppStore?).

The best case would be to develop both. Providing your product for only one platform could be a mistake because other platform’s users wouldn’t have access to your product. Don’t make them wait too long because new apps are offered on the stores each day. One of them might be your competitor.

Research your audience, market, and competitors. Then create awesome products and get revenue. Good luck!

Find an article extended with information about users and design at 111 Minutes Blog!



Artem Fedin
111 minutes

Freelancer, Product Manager at Periodix, Coffee Lover