Competitor Websites Analysis Tools

Artem Fedin
111 minutes
Published in
3 min readOct 15, 2015

Because the internet grows so fast, it is almost unreal to not have any competitors. This article reveals what services can help you in your competitor analysis.

If you are planning to start a business online, create a site or app, and there aren’t any competitors, then the reasons are that: a) The market isn’t formed. To do it by yourself, you must spend a lot of money and time. But before trying it for research purposes, find out if there is a market or not? b) Or your search wasn’t good enough. If you are building an app, another article is a great addition to this one. It includes ten services that help you to analyze mobile app competitors.

Let’s start!


Travel in time to visit old versions of websites.

It can be super important to see how your competitor’s site looked like one, two, five, or even ten years ago. What changes where done? Why? How do these changes affect usability of the site and its business.

There is also the ability to check websites that no longer exist. Check “dead’’ websites of your ex competitors. Maybe you’ll see that they missed some functionality that your site will have. Also, it may happen that they had similar functionality, business model, and appearance.

In this case, don’t hesitate to find ex-CEOs to talk with to get their feedback. They might be involved in another business now, so don’t be afraid that they will steal your idea and start their business again.


This service helps you to analyze your competitors’ websites, their traffic sources, and their keywords. This kind of service is quite popular. This is why you can also use Alexa and Compete.

However, people prefer Semrush because of its quality and high fidelity. You can search words there and you’ll get info about familiar keywords, competitive level, average cost per click in Adwords, and the number of pages for each searching word.

Here it doesn’t differ much from Google Adwords, but check out the next feature:
Semrush presents what websites are best promoted for chosen search words, how do they do it, how much they pay, and what key words bring the biggest part of the audience.

Semrush will also let you know about the trends, what keywords interest people, and which ones aren’t the best choices.
Another useful feature is the ability to check traffic from a different website’s pages. It allows you to understand which competitor’s product is the most popular.

The last thing about this service is that it can create a graph or diagram for you. So you will be able to share information and show it in presentations in a more understandable way.


Nowadays, you have already lost if you didn’t get enough information. Don’t hesitate to spend enough time on the early stages of your product development and on competitor analysis.

The rest is your analytics. Think of why something was changed, why this technology was used, what you could do better, and what features you should add to your website to make it successful.

Good luck!

Find two more services in extended article at 111 Minutes Blog!



Artem Fedin
111 minutes

Freelancer, Product Manager at Periodix, Coffee Lover