Spotr — MVP That Helps to Discover Places Nearby

Artem Fedin
111 minutes
Published in
3 min readSep 15, 2015

In this article, I’m going to tell you about the way we created one cool MVP for startup. Its name is Spotr.


We built an App that discovers places to visit, creates a list of priorities, and gets map directions in an easy and joyful way. MVP’s UI was required to be clean, flat, and modern. And I’m sure that we 100% satisfied all requirements.


To define the client’s needs and understand the product’s functionality, sketches were created. This step is important. Then we started to work on the app’s UX. User Experience is a base for every product and this MVP development wasn’t excluded.


After sketches were created and discussed, we started to work on Spotr’s wireframes. All the work was done while considering the team’s and client’s ideas about the product after first discussing Sketches. This approach allowed us to provide an MVP that is joyful for users and matches initial requirements.


As was mentioned before, the app design was required to be clean, flat, and modern. It was the right decision because this design is now the most preferred by people. Our team did a great job providing clean and user-friendly design.

Also, unique icons that reflect the product’s style were created. All these things make an exclusive appearance of the product from the first stage of interacting with users from the MVP.


Now lets talk about functionality. Regarding the fact that Spotr is MVP, more features would be added after its release because of testing by specialists and users. Feedback is gained and new features are implemented or changed in this process.

The main purpose of MVP is to check how users treat an idea and app. What was on their mind that the product needs or what things can be removed from the product? Also, MVP helps to check the financial side of the project. Are people using and paying for functionality?

Discover Places

This function gives users the ability to discover places in a chosen radius. It shows the card of a place and the user can swipe down to stack a card to add a corresponding place to a current outing. Users can also swipe up to toss the card to skip it. Swiping left opens the discover preferences, and swiping right shows navigation.


A lot of attention was paid to UX and prototyping. As a result, an intuitive, clean, and user-friendly navigation was achieved. It is important to care about the UX and comfort of the users from the first steps of a product’s life, from the MVP steps. This will ensure users like your app, use it, and recommend it to their friends.

Work On MVP As It Is The Final Product

Pay attention to details, think over usability, and apply attractive and modern design. These ingredients will make users love your MVP and recommend it to their friends. Provide a high quality product from the start to make sure that users will appreciate it. What is better than happy users?

Find four more screens with information about them in original article at 111 Minutes Blog!



Artem Fedin
111 minutes

Freelancer, Product Manager at Periodix, Coffee Lover