Three Important Things for Mobile App Development

Artem Fedin
111 minutes
Published in
2 min readAug 28, 2015

People create mobile apps every day, and make some mistakes; especially if this is their first product. This is why we will now explain five things that must definitely be considered for mobile app development.


You must know the idea of your app. The app will work best if you formulate your app idea in one sentence. Like Dropbox, for example, which stores user’s personal files in the cloud.

Don’t forget about the specifications, document the idea and concept of your product. It can contain all the features, or they can be added later. This document can be different than the product you will release because you could find out that users require another functionality while developing and testing your app.

However, the main politics from specifications won’t change.

Also, create a project strategy for two to three years. You must know where you are moving to as there would be no tailwind for a ship without a destination port.

Something will change while developing your app, but a strategy will keep you on course. Be flexible and make some changes in the strategy if you need to.

2. User Experience

Work on User Experience. Find answers for these questions:

  • Who is your target audience?
  • What does your target audience require?
  • What solutions are already created? How can they be improved?

There are lots of cars on the streets. However, there are also lots of car brands and every one of them proposes something unique and better than their competitors in user experience.

Read more about User Experience in an article about it.

3. Start With Design

The best app development process starts with design. Sometimes app development starts with the functionality and design adds later. However, we’re sure that this isn’t the best case.

If you have an ability to create UX and UI design first- do it. It would be much easier for developers to work, understand functionality, and the flow of the app. Also, it makes it possible for users testing in the early stages. Make users fall in love with your product from the first time they begin using it.

The only time you can start with the functionality and pay more attention to it is in innovations. Users interact with innovative products by tolerating its design. However, good design should be implemented in later stages of innovations.

Mentioned points will help you to avoid mistakes and build successful app. Good luck!

Find two more in full article at 111 Minutes Blog!



Artem Fedin
111 minutes

Freelancer, Product Manager at Periodix, Coffee Lover