Your App Users

Artem Fedin
111 minutes
Published in
1 min readJul 28, 2015

Get to know your app’s users. This information will let you provide a product that better satisfies their needs. This will also lead to your product’s success and to higher revenue.

We will observe innovative product users, so it will work good for apps that are innovative in some ways.

App Users Categories

There are five categories of users (adopters). All five categories were defined by sociologist Everett Rogers in his book Diffusion of Innovations.

Check out this picture to see how your app gets users:


Innovators are those who are waiting in line for the release of the newest technology, app, or website; they want to be the first to try it out. Remember one thing about innovators: they will stop using your product as soon as they find something more…

Find info about each category of users at 111 Minutes Blog!



Artem Fedin
111 minutes

Freelancer, Product Manager at Periodix, Coffee Lover