Week 2: Daily Meditation

A reluctant update on my 10 minute challenge

Joey Cofone
Monthly Mountain
2 min readJan 16, 2017


You read that subtitle right, this is a post I was reluctant to write. In a moment of weakness I even considered skipping it. But here I am, following through nonetheless. I can’t say the same about this week’s performance.

Here’s how I’m going to proceed: First, I’m going to provide an update as quickly as possible in an attempt to soldier through—or at least not dwell on—my lack of success this week. Second, I’m going to try to figure out what the hell I learned from it.

So how did I do in meditating 10 minutes every day? If you read my last post you’ll remember that I noted how important it was to meditate early in the morning, when it provided the most value for the day and the time was most accesible. That didn’t happen. I only meditated four out of seven days, and only one of those days was in the morning.

What did I learn? Why did I tremendously fail at meditating in the early morning? Lack of commitment to the actual task, I think.

There’s a difference between committing to a goal and committing to a process. Looking back at the past two weeks I realize that I wanted to reap the benefits of meditation without actually doing the meditation. I’m not against the process—meditation itself—but it hasn’t been my focus and, so far, it hasn’t been the part I look forward to.

There’s a difference between committing to a goal and committing to a process. Looking back at the past two weeks I realize that I wanted to reap the benefits of meditation without actually doing the meditation.

This week I’m going to try to look forward to the time I spend meditating rather than the feeling I get afterwards.



Joey Cofone
Monthly Mountain

Co-Founder at Baron Fig. Designer & Troublemaker under the hood. www.baronfig.com