121 Days of Star Wars

Minute 25:00 of 121:00

Richie Pepio
121 Days of Star Wars
3 min readSep 18, 2016


“He died about the same time as your father.”
“Obi Wan?”
“Yeah, but I was talking about Kit Fisto.”

Let’s review Minute 25:00 of the original Star Wars!

During these 60 seconds, we’re given a battle between two opposing forces — farm work and boot camp. As the dinner conversation continues, Owen moves off the topic of Obi Wan and back to household responsibility.

“Somebody’s got to take care of this igloo when I’m gone.”

He wants those droids fixed up so they can begin working with the condensers, and Luke seizes the moment to ask whether he can go to the Academy early, if the robots are up-to-snuff. Owen, on the other hand, asks Luke to stay a little longer, causing young Jedi Jr. to storm off. This isn’t the first time he’s been strung along by Uncle Owen’s harvest schedule. Unfortunately, we have no idea just how that farming works. We only have theories based on Tatooine’s seasonal harvesting periods postulated on message boards like this one. Never have we seen such interest in agricultural methods from the type of people who would first check a street corner when looking for a backhoe.

I’m over this.

After Luke excuses himself, Aunt Beru comes to his defense, saying that he cant’ be here forever — he’s got to follow his dreams.

“You know, Owen, when I was a career counselor–”

With an uncle like this, I’d want out too…

As usual, Luke and Owen butt heads and not even a fresh cup of blue milk can save this conversation.

Rating: 7 out of 8 farming seasons (one Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall for each sun).

Best Performance by a Male Human: Phil Brown as Uncle Owen — if you think he dominates this table, you should see him play Hold ‘Em!

Best Performance by a Female Human: Shelagh Fraser as Aunt Beru empathizes with Luke and doesn’t complain when nobody enjoys her dinner.

“That’s funny. Owen never drinks two cups of blue milk at home…”

Best Line: “Where are you going?” “Looks like I’m going nowhere.”

Best Location: Knowhere.

Originally published at mindctrlaltdel.tumblr.com.



Richie Pepio
121 Days of Star Wars

Writer, actor, and improviser who tumbls @mindctrlaltdel and tweets @RichiePepio.