121 Days of Star Wars

Minute 38:00 of 121:00

Richie Pepio
121 Days of Star Wars
4 min readSep 25, 2016


As that orb in the middle of the Death Boardroom takes the “meeting minutes,” we get an inside look at the Imperial High Command. At the head of this round table is Peter Cushing’s calculating Grand Moff Tarkin.

“Sorry, I’m late. You know, rush hour on the trench.”

Or as my brother’s childhood friend would say, “Grandma Tarkin.” This upright master of ceremonies keeps his cool but, walking in with Vader, we see he’s a real showman. He comes in fashionably late, acting in-the-know, with a smug “guess what the Emperor just hologrammed me” demeanor. He basically tells the assembled group–

Tarkin: There I was, gabbing with Uncle Palpy, when he gets all Emperor-like on me and dissolves the Senate.

Admirals: What? Did he sign an executive order saying “no more Senate?”

Tarkin: No. He Force-dissolved them. They’re all melting in the Chamber of Commerce.

Meanwhile, on Coruscant…

“You’re all fired. And I’m selling this set to the Wachowski Brothers.”

This aged leader may look evil, but according to Carrie Fisher, Peter Cushing always smelled of lilac, wore slippers between/beneath the shots, and bicycled to his wife’s grave. Classic Grandma Tarkin.

Vader stands behind Tarkin — he’s the glorified muscle.

In Marvel Comics’ adaptation of Star Wars, the Dark Lord does more than just glare behind permanent sunglasses. He uses the Force to pull a drink to his hand. Why? To further intimidate the guests, of course.

For years, fans have questioned why Vader needs a glass of blue milk. He could be thirsty, but it would be way more of a dick move if he tossed it onto the sceptical officer he was magically strangling (Admiral Motti). “I find your lack of faith disturbing… and now you look like you pissed your pants.”

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Vader hasn’t force-choked anyone yet. There’s still some posturing to be had around the table as these guys bicker over what to do with the growing Rebellion and how to inaugurate their precious Death Star.

Vader excels at keeping the conversation on track. He makes everyone uncomfortable. This guy is like the Trunchbull at a schoolboard meeting.

Admiral Motti, however, in undeterred. He’s eager to use the Death Star sooner rather than later. You can see by his flared nostrils. Or maybe he’s just stressed out because this guy married Ursa.

Yes, this Italian space admiral wooed one of Superman’s greatest foes and General Zod’s right-hand woman, Ursa.

When Motti pushes for the Empire to blow up something fast, Vader puts on the breaks with the best line of the whole minute: “The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.” This installment ends there, on a high note.

Rating: 60 out of the 64 years of age Peter Cushing was when Star Wars was released. He looks a bit older, space ages a person.

Best Performance by a Human: Peter Cushing establishes Tarkin as the head of the food chain, despite being literally overshadowed by a seven-foot-tall zombie in a leather-lung-suit.

Best Performance by a Non-human:

Yes, Tarkin killed Count Dooku.

Originally published at mindctrlaltdel.tumblr.com.



Richie Pepio
121 Days of Star Wars

Writer, actor, and improviser who tumbls @mindctrlaltdel and tweets @RichiePepio.