From toxic relationships to healthy compass

Rusiane D’Almeida
123 Healthy Lifestyle Methods
3 min readApr 23, 2019

There’s two types of toxic relationships the obvious ones and the dubious ones, why is important to identify those toxic relationships because we are living in communities, and if you’re taking self improvement to another level, breakthrough in this topic will shift the relationships in your life. This content is important when you’re handling friends, neighbors, family members, business partners, spouses or people that you just met and to be further effective you got to learn how to use and direct your personal development compass, hire a life coaching it may temporary cost you but will help you save headaches in the long run, also follow leaders that truly makes a positive difference in people’s lives someone that you identify as proactive. (Keep calm and Love Barack Obama and Anthony Robbins) Ask yourself this sincere questions. How am I feeling about my relationship with myself and others? As a healthy lifestyle coach I will share with you 3 simple effective methods that will help you to identify a toxic relationship and turn into a positive relationship.

Method Number one: Communication+ boundaries = Gratification Compass

The millennium generation experienced an overload of information as internet connects and facility storage in the clouds, the swipes, thumbs up, makes everything bff brief, temporary, abbreviated etc.. If you are familiar with this style of communication:

(- Hi, How are you? I am doing great, and U?

- Welcome to the millennium communication skills, this is the generation that will be responsible to improve our society and they are the ones twitting “FAKE NEWS” erasing people’s data, research, journals, knowledge and writings. you got to identify the communication of your surroundings. what style of communication is present in our groups and how to amplify positively.

Living in the age of information experiencing a consequential lack of understanding, decrease values and principles of our society communication subsequently mislead to a toxic relationships, thus communication boundaries will help you identify toxic relationship, if you find yourself communicate with people that does not match the same values and principles and following groups etiquette you got to be flexible acknowledge them and restate, redirect and certify the lock of internal control of your compass. If you do not set boundaries on your relationships you can’t have the gratification of having the greatness of the relationship.

Method Number two: Filtering

Imagine your privacy invaded, when your privacy for some reason been invaded Fight and Flight is activate as natural mechanic response of the nerve system, the primitive level of survival. Are you finding yourself Fighting and Flighting? set your ground, forgot to filter, others may trespass, filtering will guide you through the process. I highly recommend this dynamic because works very well and many life coach apply similar methods . Separate five boxes (e.g.1.Family,2.Friends, 3.Friends of friends, 4. Acquaintances, 5.people recently network) Select steps from box number 5 to box number 2. You will find people with same interests or find no affinities with them, you may not share the same principles in life, you may share same views but may experience different communication with others and shall not invade your space and boundaries. Your friends will may change along the process life is a cycle of constant changes, if your friends from high school continue through the college, expanding horizons together healthy relationship always have a positive outcome. friendship isn’t an exchange, fellowship isn’t bargain, relationship holds adequacy and loyalty thus choose your peers.

Method Number Three: Shifting

Set your compass will help you to identify relationships and the most important “shifting” from toxic to a healthy positive level, practice (Communication boundaries +Filtering) but the key to breakthrough any toxic patterns eloquently is shifting positively, this will unlock and breakthrough, identify the source of your communication, what kind of topics do you find yourself engaging daily, identify your emotions and the topics that you’re focusing, if you find yourself fairly down focus your attention, energy and communication, clearly you’re not respecting your inner compass and values, practice effectively and continue constructively that brings order to chaos, practice listening, be eloquent and continue inspiring people positively.



Rusiane D’Almeida
123 Healthy Lifestyle Methods

Mother, blogging 123 Healthy Lifestyle Methods, Women in Business, Amazon Pure Healing, Coffee Lover, Certified Health Coach and Author .