How to develop resiliency in the modern world

Rusiane D’Almeida
123 Healthy Lifestyle Methods
2 min readMay 2, 2019

The era of technology ranges from excellency juxtaposing the virtual world of unhealthy and baneful contents, fragments of individual information received can be crucial thus increase awareness is important to conduct yourself throughout a greater process, regardless of your surrounds your absorption can have a specific dynamic. As a certified Health Coach I am sharing 3 effective methods that increase resilience and support getting ahead in the modern world.

Method number 1 Reset

By Activate flight and fight respond the resilience of mind and body easily decrease, by eliminate both you got the( freeze response) constructively this reset is the most powerful way to disconnect and amplifying with your surrounds, Your immune system is an extension of your survival mode thus meditations and mantras tools are available to reset the body properly. Re-start and initiate.

Method number 2 Transcend

The second method requires frequency, thus you can tune the energy as a daily process, you can transcend to state of resilience by beware of your environment, as a result be informed about your water, air quality, the vitamins and mineral that you consume tune the energy raising your body to release frequency. Embrace your special power, Believe.

Method Number 3 Conserve

Setting body and mind to win on the origin level, starting with registering positive information, increase functionality, transform positively the state of mind. This exchange is a natural part of life cycle process consequently you’re responsible for canceling project and evolve, Reset + Transcend release the ability to shield building the resiliency of body and mind.



Rusiane D’Almeida
123 Healthy Lifestyle Methods

Mother, blogging 123 Healthy Lifestyle Methods, Women in Business, Amazon Pure Healing, Coffee Lover, Certified Health Coach and Author .