Portraying Lives In Stock Photography With Olena Yakobchuk

How to tell stories with photography

2 min readSep 25, 2019


Today, we dive into the successful stock photography and footage of 123RF contributor iakovenko, also known as Olena Yakobchuk. This Kiev-based photographer has a versatile collection to explore with themes like body positivity — inclusive of controversial scenes like plastic surgery. Take a look at her photography portfolio and discover the varying themes in her creative work.

Olena tells us what inspires her photography, and how it led her into becoming a stock photographer. This is her story.

I met the world of photography in 2009, my boyfriend was a photographer. And together we came up with stories for filming. I really loved it, and after 5 years my hobby turned into my job. I love everything related to beauty and art, people who know how to tell stories with the help of photography.

Telling stories with photos and videos is definitely something we’re into. It’s all about visual storytelling these days, which is why Tiktok, Instagram and Snapchat are so popular. For now, let’s look at Olena’s stock photography that portray little snippets of life in careers of various industries.

Creative angles of career stories aren’t all Olena captures. Check out her shots of ideal family moments, seniors interacting with their grandchildren, including photos of travel and lifestyle settings. Of course, this isn’t all her portfolio is limited to. There are plenty more themes for you to explore in her collection.

Here’s what Olena believes in when it comes to being a stock contributor.

Each shoot is a small story from life. The most important thing in the filming is natural emotions. It is important what kind of people you work with and your team! I’m sure — If you love what you are doing, you will be attracted to people who think like you, and you will succeed!

For more interesting articles with talented artist insights, browse our blog’s artists category. If you’re looking for some inspiration to create, why not try our monthly top stock content?

Originally published at https://blog.123rf.com.




Redefining stock photography with design, lifestyle, photography, marketing and travel inspiration.