Basement Jaxx — Remedy. Short story behind the cover with naked bodies

A member of Basement Jaxx Felix Buxton talks about how the design for the Remedy album was made — for the cultivation of good manners, madness, sensuality and the dance music of the time. It seems that the involvement of musicians of different races and origins is already hinted at on the front cover.

“The idea was to make landscape-like hills and mountains, but only [using] living, human flesh, naked and together, showing no separation between black, white or any other color,” says Buxton. “I still remember the shoot day very clearly. I went in and moved [the bodies] all around, asking them to move closer. I was bright red with embarrassment, with bits and boobs popping out all over the place.”

Felix Buxton



George Palladev
Editor for — Stories about electronic music. — origins of Detroit Techno, Trance, Dubstep, Deep House, Jungle & Drum’n’Bass.