Daft Punk — Revolution 909. A short story behind the video

People often leave a comment to this video: Daft Punk taught me an ok recipe for spaghetti sauce :-D

The men’s magazine GQ asked the director Roman Coppola: How many times did you actually cook the Daft Punk recipe? “Well, that’s a family recipe so it is something which has been around for years. I’ve made it plenty of times but what’s fun is when I meet people who are familiar with the video and have made it — that’s very satisfying”.

Roman Coppola wanted to film a video instruction for something for a long time and chose the tomato theme for Revolution 909. (The title and opening skit in this track is said to be a reflection on the French government and its stance against rave parties.)

It’s surprising and fascinating. Surprising because only an extraordinary mind could come up with a sophisticated solution for illegal raves in France. Fascinating because The Godfather casually filmed the spaghetti cooking process as an attribute of Sicilians in the US. Our parents in the 70s learned to cook pasta from Francis Ford Coppola and we learned from his son, watching MTV and Youtube.



George Palladev
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