12Ships Monthly Report: December 2021

12Ships Official
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2022

[Press Date: January 17, 2022]


  • Based on the proceeds of Hansando pool in December 2021, 12Ships Foundation determined to buy back 1,000,000 TSHP from the exchange market and permanently burn them. The TXID for the token incineration will be disclosed after completion.
  • According to the 12Ships monthly report of November 2021, 12Ships team should have bought back and burn up 1,000,000 TSHP. We will finish the token incineration together at a total of 2,000,000 TSHP in this month.


  • 12Ships Foundation working as a Notary in Filecoin Plus program has processed the requests of DataCap or Large Dataset in December.
  • 12Ships team has been taking part in the Slingshot Restore Program launched by the Slingshot team of the Filecoin Foundation working as a client since 28 December 2021.


  • 12Ships Foundation officially and announcing new appointments of community manager @ TwelveShips12 in Telegram English chat, and manager @ 12ShipsAdmin in Kakao chat. They will gather FAQs and voice from the community and collect the answers and feedback from the Foundation team.


  • Twitter Followers: 7464
  • Members in Kakao chat: 649
  • Members in Telegram chat: 1347
  • Members in Turkish Community (Telegram): 313

Voice from community:

  • Community Volunteer A: while there will be less and less blockchain projects with adoption of Proof of Work (PoW), the mining profits of Hansando pool continue to decline sharply so that the business of 12Ships is in urgent need of transformation and upgrading beyond crypto mining business.
  • Community Volunteer B: What are ASIC Chips, and an explanation about crypto mining and the machines utilised for this purpose. Where does 12Ships fit into this space and what makes the 12Ships project unique. Additional articles on the upcoming ‘Meta’ and blockchains, NFT’s, and other concerns that will be a part of the landscape of a future being realised today.


12Ships is a cryptocurrency-mining backed blockchain platform that makes your journey to the blockchain investment AS EASY AS POSSIBLE by providing profitable and high-performance mining infrastructure. 12Ships is focusing on technology-driven development of a mining ecosystem including ASIC mining machines, Filecoin mining machines, mining pool and staking pool.




12Ships Official

12ships will make your journey to the crypto mining AS EASY AS POSSIBLE