
Will Power
Published in
4 min readNov 28, 2017

Edit: I made a post on indiehackers and there was quite a bit of interest so I am keen to actually start this

Edit: Details about the #JulyChallenge

/r/startups/, /r/juststart/, indie hackers et all are full of wantrepreneurs looking to start their next adventure but, for one reason or another, are just not able to kick-start their journey.

Not any more; the time is now

From concept to launch in 1 week #juststart #shipit

12startups.com introduces #12startupschallenge; the startup challenge with a difference.

What’s different about this?

Well, nothing really.

A bunch of makers are going to be working on the same concept, seperately, but with support. The same concept can be selling a particular type of product, offering a similar service to the same target audience, building a SaSS with similar constraints; or anything in-between.

What makes it different is the makers entering into the challenge will decide what the challenge is.

Once we have decided on what the concept is (public voting of course), they have one week (or another agreed time-frame) to launch the product. After a period of time (public vote of course), we will judge the success based on pre-defined indicators of success (you got it; these indicators will be voted by the public).

Sounds great, where do I sign up?

Shut up and take my money!

Woah, hold your horses! You don’t even know what makes this interesting yet?

Can do’s & Can’t do’s

To make it intereting, and so that you can get the most out of the opportunity there is a list of things you can and can not do.

You can:

  • Use your network to validate the approach
  • Use creative ways to promote
  • Put you own personal spin on the concept
  • Communicate with those helping you however you want (Skype, Slack, messenger pigeon, etc)

However, you can’t:

  • Use any tools that are not on the approved tools list (we got to make things fair)
  • Use your network to promote (Levelsio is a dude-and-a-half, but he has a competitive advantage to launch IMHO when he uses his 50k+ followers. I’m not saying that is a bad thing — I totally would do the same but in the interests on fairness we got to keep things on a level playing field)
  • Spend any more than the standard budget (It’s your money you’ll be spending but trying to keep things fair)
  • Outsource the work to anybody else. You can totally hustle (offering favours etc)
  • In the event of a physical product, source it seperately from everybody else

More will be added as we agree collectively what the rules are.

Tools you can use

Work in Progress as the competition evolves

Chat Apps

Wow there are too many :headexplosion:

How do I get involved?

Join the Slack Group


Join the Telegram




You will be asked, and expected to write about about your #12startupschallenge experiences on this very publication.

Please 👏 and share to social networks to get this in front of people who might like the challenge

💪 💪 💪 💪 💪

If you have read this far, let me know if there is anything you want to hear about?

