Challenge Cards

Will Power
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2018


The objective of this game is to improve a solution by brainstorming & thinking through various scenarios and alternatives. Using gamifaction and storytelling, participants are far more likely to be engaged. Keeping it lighthearted and fun will increase the energy.

Where this works best

  • Solution ideation phase
  • Getting stakeholders on-board
“Do Something Great neon sign” by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

How to Play

Divide the group into teams; “challenge teams” and “solutions team”. The “solution team” brainstorm (silently) features, strengths, tactics, rebuttals etc of the solution, writes them on index cards, one per card. The other teams, the “challenge” team brainstorm (silently) potential problems or challenges and writes them on index cards, one problem or challenge per card. The “challenge” team(s) break-out and order their problems and challenges from top to bottom.

When the games starts, the teams work together to tell a collaborative story. The “challenge” team picks a card, starting at the top of their deck, describing a scene or event where the issue might realistically arise.

The “solution” team must then pick a card from their deck that addresses the challenge.

If they have a solution they that solves the problem or challenge put to them, they get a point, and if they don’t the “challenge” team gets a point. The game continues in this rythm, challenges followed by solution, and so on, until the allocated time-frame has been reached or there are no further challenges.

Where the “challenge” team won a point, these challenges are then revisited, and both teams then co-create a solution that addresses the challenge.

