I’m launching at least 12 startups in 12 months

Will Power
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2018

Calling it a startup is probably a stretch, but I going to launch a minimum 12 of my ideas over the next 12 months.

What I will be launching? Basic websites which serve a specific purpose & intermediate to advanced applications. I know already that some may fail & some will succeed. I accept that already.

I want to fail. I want to try. I want to learn. I want to improve. I want to succeed.

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” — Thomas A. Edison

Why dude??

Like so many others, I have started heaps — and executed very little.

Popular internet meme O Rly?

I keeps all my ideas as one liner Reminders on my MacBook. As it stands I have (at the time of writing) 134 ideas that I would like, but have currently failed, to execute. Wow! This numbers is frightening — I actually thought that it would be somewhere between 20 & 30. These aren’t random ideas either — these are issues/problems that I have personally faced, or though “wouldn’t it be great if a solution exited for this”, over the past couple of years.

Procrastination and self-doubt are a bitch. Not anymore. Social accountability ftw! Let’s fucking do this.

My progress report


Prepping everything like a boss!

