prompt #11: In Memoriam

Midnight Mosaic Fiction
2 min readOct 16, 2018

October’s “13 Days of Dark & Weird” Challenge

“against the sky” — Daphelba DeBeauvoir

for prompt eleven we write in memory of
a message, a symbol, etched in stone
a poem to be read as goodbye
a story of endings and what they might mean

write love or disdain for a character no more
write how you’d like to be remembered
write how you wish you had lived


“This was a man” by Daphelba DeBeauvoir

Learned in law, wise counsel, admirable and beloved citizen, husband, father. His life was gentle and the elements so mixed in him that nature might stand up and say to all the world: ‘This was a man’”

The inscription along the bench reads:

“Until the day break and the shadows flee away”

“Mother’s pet” by Daphelba DeBeauvoir
“moss-covered memories” and “She watches over” by Daphelba DeBeavoir
“Forever loved” by Daphelba DeBeauvoir


I will love and be loved by her forever
and her hands shall throw open the gates
of new life to me

“symbology” by Daphelba DeBeauvoir

Be sure to use our Submission Form when sending in stories for the 13 Days…Challenge.

Check out the 13 Days of Dark and Weird Challenge Letter for more details:

Enjoying these prompts? Clap for us & Follow The Mad River and 13 Days… to read all the fabulous stories we’ve received this month! Challenge submissions will be published starting October 19th, 2018.

All photos were taken at a local cemetery which is over 100 years old and over 280 acres in size.



Midnight Mosaic Fiction

…in search of dread secrets with which to weave tales. Dark & Strange Fiction Editor, Creative Collaborator, Advocate for survivors of abuse.