Our Company Values at 14islands

Hjörtur Hilmarsson
Published in
2 min readNov 9, 2018

As a studio, we are really just a group of humans working toward a common vision.

“We are united by our passion for great user experiences, beautiful design and creative technologies.”

In this pursuit, we’ve managed to agree on five values that we think are extra important. We try to keep these in mind through everything we do — in the ways we work, the ways we make and the ways we communicate with each other, clients or anyone we stumble upon.

Here it goes:

Put people first

As much as we love technology and shiny gadgets, our real passion is creating experiences that delight people and make them happy.

At work, we strive to cultivate an environment where people have the best opportunity to be healthy, perform well and do awesome work. We put people over profits and people over processes.

We believe everyone is equal, no matter their background, race, role or gender.

Value quality

People hire us because they know we deliver good results. This is also why some people recommend us to others. It’s the best marketing strategy in the world.

We deliver good results because we care about our clients success and details ­in design, code & process. We push ourselves until we feel proud in our hearts about our projects — and our clients are happy.

Make it playful

Technology is replacing humans in many ways. People are going to the bank and post office less often and having more interactions with digital interfaces. We apply our skills and imaginations to make those interactions less boring, more playful and fun to use.

At work, we also strive to keep it playful. We spend a big chunk of our time here. This is why we have fun, make cool things and never take ourselves too seriously.

Be honest

This one doesn’t really need much explanation. If we make a mistake, we are honest about it. We don’t lie to get ahead or to hide our failures.

Tell the truth. Give your feedback straight. It makes things better.

Be nice, though.

Be open

If in doubt, communicate. It’s better to over-communicate than to stuff it down and risk misunderstanding. With clients, we keep in touch and show work in progress as early and often as feasible.

Be unafraid to share useful learnings, cool work or fun hacks with the community.

These are the values that form the foundation of our studio. They underlie everything we do, keeping our focus human-centric in the best possible way.

Need help with a project? Get in touch with us at hello@14islands.com

