Managing Stress and Anxiety: How CBD oil can help us feel more productive & creative, and less stressed!

Henry Southan
MA Mag
Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2020

Let’s face it, managing stress and anxiety during a pandemic is pretty tough. We’ve all exhausted Netflix, become extremely bored with our own cooking, and we’re more desperate than ever to find new ways to feel less stressed, and more focused during this unsettling period.

With the world on a hunt for new ways to find peace within the chaos, an increasing number of people are finding calm using CBD oil. A recent survey showed that 49% of millennials and Gen Z consumers are increasing their use of CBD oil since the recent lockdown began. So why are so many turning to CBD oil for help with their stress and anxiety? Let’s answer some of the main questions people ask and bust some myths you may have heard about this potential game-changer.

What is CBD oil?

CBD oil is made by extracting CBD (cannabidiol — a natural compound extracted from the Hemp plant) and partnering it with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil or hemp seed oil, for better absorption.

Does CBD oil get you high?

Unlike THC (the primary psychoactive cannabinoid in cannabis), CBD does not get you high.

What is the effect of CBD oil then?

So, all of our bodies have something called an Endocannabinoid System or ‘ECS.’ The ECS system is a network of receptors in our bodies, that play a crucial role in regulating our optimal balance. This includes sleep quality, stress, anxiety, immune system, pain and inflammation. CBD can support this system, meaning that you can get back to feeling great and more productive, while feeling less stressed and anxious.

How do you take CBD oil, and how much?

CBD oils are easy to take, simply drop the oil under your tongue, leave for a minute then swallow. Dosage is a very personal preference, and like caffeine or alcohol, people have different requirements and tolerances. For beginners, feel free to start a new ritual with a lower regular dose (15–30 MG per serve), note how you feel from this, and you can then dose up if you wish, using either more oil or CBD drinks.

Where does CBD oil fit into my day?

Some people love to take it in the morning so they can start their day calm, and focused, ready for a productive day. Others prefer it as an evening ritual, to calm the stresses and anxieties from their busy day they have just had.

What does CBD oil taste like?

While many CBD oils have a herbal, bitter taste that many find not to be pleasant, TRIP has some uniquely delicious flavours such as Wild Mint with Chamomile, and Orange Blossom with Chamomile.

While CBD oil might not solve everyone’s life stresses and anxieties, it undoubtedly provides calm for many. Dr. Julia Moltke, a medical doctor with a focus on mental health, stress management, sleep, and the medicinal cannabis industry, found in a recent study that 75% of those that use CBD for stress relief, found that it does in fact reduce their stress and anxiety, as it “slows down the mental overload that comes with these conditions.”

If you want more information about CBD oil, and a look at TRIP, and their innovative range of great-tasting CBD oils, find everything you need at

