Analyze social media crisis of China Airline’s new uniform release

Michelle Hsin-yu Shih
Clear as Mud
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2016

China Airline, the second largest Taiwanese airline has released their new flight attendant uniform in 2014 via the traditional media and social media. As soon as the information went out, there were criticisms coming from all the platforms on social media.

Why? you might wonder.

New Uniform introduced in 2014
The old uniform which many customers find it more elegant and presentable

As shown in the picture, customers were very disappointed at the time that China Airline replaced the elegant uniform they had previously to the new uniform which looked very similar to the costume of a well-known cartoon character in Taiwan.

Below are some comments on social media at the time:

The designer messed up China Airline.

Eva Airline (China Airline’s major competitor) is celebrating now.

China Airline reacted within a short amount of time, stating that the uniform was still under final alteration, and they would incorporate customers’ feedback to alter the final design if appropriate. I believe this is a good way to address the concern and at the same time keep some flexibility.

There are some other approaches that China Airline could consider — if any other future similar events happened. (We hope not!)

Such as stating that they believe in the professionalism of the designer they hired, share some stories regarding the concepts/elements of China Airline which influenced the design, and maybe — China Airline should make a funny video to make fun of themselves and emphasize like the super hero (the cartoon character) China Airline will guarantee the service and safety during your travel. :)

