Blogging as part of an online identity

Francisco Javier Mejia
Clear as Mud
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2016

One of the aspects that I plan on improving in the future is including links to other aspects of my life on my social media profiles. A friend and former classmate, Luciano Sobral, manages to do this through his blog, The Drunkeynesian.

He describes his blog as “(not very sober) reflections on the economy, financial markets and more”. Through this light-hearted approach to one of his passions, economic analysis (and an occasional beer) Luciano displays his analytical and writing skills, as well as his openness to having a conversation on the topics he follows. The playful name of his blog serves to lighten the tone and avoid being perceived as an overly academic blog, as well as to disarm any harsh criticism he could receive. Though I first became acquainted with his blog on Blogspot three years ago, I noticed now that he has also developed presence in Twitter, Youtube and Facebook.

For a while, I have thought about starting a blog on my hobbies (hiking, photography) or some of my interests (entrepreneurship, politics) but have not managed to find the time to do so. I really admire Luciano for making the time to write about it, and even more for the way he manages to do it, through wits and humor. Perhaps after graduation this is an aspect I will consider to pursue.

