Maria Luiza de Andrade Soares
Clear as Mud
Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2016


Guarana Antarctica makes April Fool’s Day true!

Guarana Antarticta is the most famous soft drink after Coca-Cola in Brazil. It is made with Guarana fruit and belongs to 3G group, the same group that have 30%+ of beers company’s in the world. It launched the April Fool’s Day on Facebook and Youtube campaign based on the concept that there is an urban legend that says if you collect 1000 can tabs you can trade them for a wheelchair. It also says that many people may laugh at you afterwards because this is not real but a joke. They selected the April Fool’s Day to say that this legend can be true. And in an easier way than to have 1000 can tabs at your home. So the company invited its viewers to click on Like on the platform the video was posted. Each Like would correspond to one can tab. For every 1000 Likes the video has the company would delivery one wheelchair to a charity. The video also asks viewers to help sharing the video with their friends.

The main goal of this campaign is to build brand equity through the creation of awareness of social initiatives the company is developing.

As a social media manager I would have measuered the success of this campaign through two results. First, raising the number of likes the video received over the period of the campaign. Second, analyzing the Brand Equity scores in one or two months after the campaign. The brand equity scores could be measured by the questions: “Guarana Antarctica is a brand for someone like me”; “Guarana Antarctica is a brand that I love”, among others.

The results of this to analyses, Campaign engagement (number of likes) and Brand Equity Scores would be the two results that I would present in a meeting for the executives of the company.

