Help authentically!

Maria Luiza de Andrade Soares
Clear as Mud
Published in
1 min readMay 3, 2016

When furthering or partnering with a social cause a Brand has to have one main objective: be genuine and authentic. It would be better if the cause campaign would have some connection with the brand position and values, but a “must have” is definitely authenticity. The first question that might arise from consumer is: why are they doing that or getting involved in this cause? People nowadays are very skeptical about these engagements and might perceive the companies only trying to “use the cause” to promote themselves.

Another very important point in my view is to make sense for why the company is engaging into a social campaign. The brand should be sponsoring or be part of a social campaign that the cause would really benefit from the power of the brand (powerful brands should be in charge of bringing meaningful help to social causes). It would look nice to see a powerful brand using its power, reach and resources to bring impactful results to a cause.

