Lifehack: Fashion within reach

Karina Mc Entee
Clear as Mud
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2016

As the digital era evolves, so does social media communities and the desire of everyone to connect with the world and stay updated. Consumers become sophisticated and are avid to stay in the game, especially millennials. I am a pretty basic social media user, however as a marketing specialist I am always interested in getting to know new ways to connect brands with consumers.

Since in Latin America the internet penetration is much lower than that of the United States, I thought that social media apps didn’t have too much impact or were not of interest among users. But my latest discovery, an app called TiZKKA, proved me wrong.

This app is revolutionizing the way of doing business in the fashion industry in Latin America. Initially launched for the Brazilian market, TiZKKA now has spread its presence in Mexico and other Spanish speaking countries in Latin America with very good perspectives of going global.

The 100% fashion focus app, lets you connect with stylist and fashion experts that provide real time feedback on your fashion choices. This is being done with a social network feeling, so it lets you interact with others by sharing your looks with your followers and review theirs, so as like and comment on the looks of the people you follow. The app offers the feature to buy products with just one click too.

TiZKKA was created and founded two by two young Uruguayan entrepreneurs and has been recognized this year by the Fast Company magazine as one of the top ten most innovative companies in Latin America. Their founders saw that despite the huge interest in fashion, there was no practical ways of creating a back and forth communication between users and stylists and fashion experts.

In this category, most people uses general social networks like Instagram to share their fashion looks. However, this platforms is not totally fashion oriented and doesn’t allow you to interact in real time.

TiZKKA is offering a space where stylists, fashion bloggers, image consultants, make-up artists, hairstylists and fashion designers interact daily. Brands from several categories are interested in promoting their products in TiZKKA as it offers an alternative and non-intrusive way to communicate and interact with its consumers.

This is a great example that Latam and emerging markets offer huge opportunities in the social media space. Any global fashion brand interested in entering emerging markets, should take a look at this new app.

And — chances are — if you are also a fashion lover, you might ending up becoming a recurrent user.

