LinkedIn Summaries

Joe McGovern
Clear as Mud
Published in
1 min readApr 25, 2016

A person’s social media profile is vital to effective professional networking. My best friend, Ryan, has a great summary on his LinkedIn profile. It effectively lays out his abilities as a leader and displays his strengths, based on his past experiences. Furthermore, it is concise and to the point. Here it is:

“I am a leader who eagerly takes charge of a situation and looks forward to stepping up to the challenge.

The leadership challenges I have faced while in the military, especially while deployed overseas have molded me into a leader who understands the value and demand of a person to make confident and competent decisions. I successfully implement problem analysis and problem solving techniques to resolve process management, logistical, and personnel issues.

I consistently strive to provide the guidance, directions, and motivation to steer my team to success in whatever the challenge is.”

I do not currently have a summary on my LinkedIn profile, but if and when I put one on my profile, I want it to look like Ryan’s. We have similar backgrounds and experiences, so I could definitely use this as a starting point- it will be difficult to top though!

Having a summary on your LinkedIn profile is not absolutely essential, but a good summary does bolster your social media presence and helps you stand out. It’s been effective for Ryan, so I plan to implement something similar to my social media profile.

