#Sloanies Helping Sloanies

Elana Berger
Clear as Mud
Published in
2 min readMar 4, 2016

When I thought about creating a piece of social media content depicting life at MIT Sloan, I wanted to come up with a way to show the supportive and collaborative nature that most Sloan students love about their school. What I have come up with is a campaign, a hashtag, more than just one piece of content.

The intended audience of the campaign would be current Sloan students, as well as potential prospective students. The goal would be for Sloanies to share with each other why they love Sloan, but to also share with prospective students what makes Sloan a wonderful place to be a student. Each Facebook post would include a photo and a paragraph or two describing a time when a Sloan student felt appreciated, supported, or encouraged by other Sloanies. The post would end with a call to action for readers to share their own #SloaniesHelpingSloanies story.

Ideally, people would want to share these stories and share their own examples because people enjoy reading emotional stories, and because it shows that the sharer not only appreciates his/her good fortune (social proof), but also is proud to be a part of the community.

I have chosen Facebook because of the reach of the platform with the desired audience, as well as the capabilities-campaign match. Because of the impact of the stories, I think having the short paragraph will add a lot, and this type of content is easy to show on Facebook.

(Note on hashtag: I have seen this used a few times on Facebook among Sloan students, but its appearance has been rare, and it does not appear, to my knowledge, to have been used in a wider campaign)

Here is the post I would make on Facebook with #SloaniesHelpingSloanies:

“A short story that perfectly captures the supportive, collaborative community that is MIT Sloan. #SloaniesHelpingSloanies

Over IAP, while many of my Sloan friends were travelling the world, I was spending a relaxing month in Boston, painting (see below:)

A snowy New Years Eve, Prague 2014.

I shared this finished product on Facebook. I assumed a few of my close friends, people who know I’m into art and are into art themselves, would like the post. To my surprise, I had 80 likes and about 10 incredibly kind comments within a few hours. 50% of the likes and almost all the comments came from Sloanies.

When I think of Sloan, I think of a supportive community people who are always there to brighten your day, whether its by smiling at you in the hallway of E62 or telling you via a Facebook comment that you should “leave your day job to become an artist.”

Have a good story about a time another Sloanie helped you out or brightened your day? Share with #SloaniesHelpingSloanies and share the love :)

