Small Social Steps, Big Impact

Tanuja Suriarachi
Clear as Mud
Published in
1 min readJun 30, 2016

As Australia’s largest impact investing firm, Small Giants, is working ‘to create, support, nurture and empower businesses that are shifting us to a more socially equitable and environmentally sustainable world.’

Conventional wisdom dictates that organizations seeking to successfully invest should, well… find appropriate sources of funds and invest in assets and companies that provide strong returns. Thus, the flow of logic to a social media strategy would take us straight to LinkedIn — arguably providing access to the most ‘professional’ target market on social media.

But Small Giants is using business as a meaningful tool to create the world in which we want to live. It invests in ‘large-scale social and environmental projects, sustainable property development and securing our food systems, the Small Giants portfolio reflects a deeply passionate and diverse ethos’. Small Giants has a tremendous opportunity to impact consumer behavior by leveraging platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to drive consumer awareness of the projects in which it is investing and its brand overall. This would have a three-fold effect; drive custom to Small Giants’ portfolio companies, encourage people to commerce with socially minded organizations regardless of their association with Small Giants and attract socially minded entrepreneurs and businesses looking for funds.

The businessmen and business women of today and tomorrow don’t live in the ivory towers of large corporations, they are increasingly socially aware, socially minded and connected hence the ubiquity of platforms such as Facebook and Twitter (admittedly a little less ubiquitous) is exactly what Small Giants needs; it should get out there.

