Social Media X MIT Sloan

Depict your life at MIT Sloan using a social media content?!

Michelle Hsin-yu Shih
Clear as Mud
2 min readMar 7, 2016


The blog homework we have this week is to create a social media content to depict our lives at MIT Sloan, which is pretty difficult given all the dramas, laughters, recruiting struggles, core team funs and countless memories we had in the past 7 months!

I selected Instagram as a platform to communicate with my target audience — prospect students with a photo taken with my ocean (MIT Sloan called every cohort “oceans”) in the final class of my core semester.

Class 2017 Mediterranean Ocean

I chose the content because “core semester” and “core team” are definitely shared memories for every Sloanie. The photo signalled the collaborativeness, fun, and quirkiness of Sloanies — which are some characteristics that make MIT Sloan an aspirational but at the same time approachable place.

This is Michelle Shih, a first year MBA student at MIT Sloan. I am originally from Taipei, Taiwan, working in the marketing field most of my career but making a career switch to management consulting now. I am a social media addict myself, and I am very excited to share my point of views of social media by this write-a-blog-everyweek homework in my Social Media Management class this semester.

