Socially Artful

Tanuja Suriarachi
Clear as Mud
Published in
1 min readApr 26, 2016

Does art reflect life or does life reflect art? Perhaps this is indeed a false dichotomy, increasingly blurred by social media, entangling itself in all aspects of our lives. How much is our social media presence a reflection of who we are versus a curation of how we want to be perceived?

Cynically one could argue that the rich, powerful and famous (such as celebrities, politicians and sportspeople) pander to the desires of their audiences, dishing out whatever shocking, self-righteous and salacious content is needed to win the on-line popularity contests where presidents are made, records are sold and sponsorship deals are secured.

However, a more forgiving lens is one that acknowledges social media as a unique outlet for once distant idols to share their lives, to be more accessible and to be more human. It gives those who are often judged by the whim of the media to have a clear voice, and engage in dialogue with their followers, sharing their true selves.

As blurred is the line between life and art, so too is the one between our personal and professional lives; a skilled social media practitioner is one who tempers vulnerability to share his or humanity with vigilance; everyone is always watching.

