The Social Media Profile…

Michelle Hsin-yu Shih
Clear as Mud
Published in
2 min readApr 25, 2016

I can’t remember starting when…that every time I met a new person, I will search the person on social media platforms afterwards. Interestingly, most of the time I can find something more about the person either on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn — good or bad.

This week, we need to identify a person’s social media profile, learn something, and incorporate the “essence” into our own profiles.

I came to MIT Sloan because I am looking for a career switch into management consulting; yet on the way of exploring, I also found passions on one of the niche segments of management consulting —the design consulting.

Looking back at my LinkedIn profile, I have a clear marketing background, and I am about to start my summer internship at a management consulting film (excited!). Yet, I am also thinking how I can make my profile more — designly or designerly…:)

Then I found this good example.

I specifically love the sentence:

"My role requires me to bridge the gap between design and business, strategy and execution, the West and the East, rigor and ambiguity, analytical and creative thinking.”

This person is a former management consultant, and a current strategy lead in a design consulting firm. I think the description perfectly connects her past work experiences and the new area she is working at right now. The sentence is very articulated and beautifully put.

I will start my second year at MIT Sloan in about 4–5 months (can’t believe time really flies!). I hope I can continuously work on projects, student activities, and internships that combine marketing, strategy, and creative thinking, and find a better way to position myself on LinkedIn.

