The Yarn

Andrew Kao
Clear as Mud
Published in
1 min readMar 7, 2016

The Yarn is a story telling venue where Sloanies share highly personal stories that can range from inspiring to tragic to funny. Though I had previously web-streamed yarn events, I attended my first Yarn in person two weeks ago. I was blown away by the turnout. The room was packed, with every seat filled and people standing around the entire perimeter. Impressed that so many classmates would take time out of their busy schedule to build community and support their classmates who were willing to be vulnerable, I snapped a quick panoramic photo on my phone to capture the environment.

Today, I decided to post the photo on Instagram, largely to stimulate interest for the next Yarn, which is happening tomorrow evening. Instagram seemed appropriate given the photo-nature of the post. I set the filter to “Willow,” believing that a black and white photo was appropriate, given my intention to depict the overall scene, rather than a particular detail. Finally, I hashtagged the post with #mymitsloan #yarn #letsgetvulnerable #inspired

