Vine of My Sloan: Healthcare Club

Tory Sheppard
Clear as Mud
Published in
1 min readMar 8, 2016

The time has come to pass the torch to the new leaders of the MIT Sloan Healthcare Club. This has been a big part of my Sloan experience, and I have made incredible friendships with fellow club members who are also passionate about healthcare.

Today we had a meeting about re-branding the club and discussed our social media brand strategy— very fitting for 15.S10. We actually opted to focus our efforts on developing a more centralized website with a repository of information for club members and prospective students. Our second priority will be LinkedIn, followed by Twitter for the purpose of the annual conference.

Not surprisingly, we did not choose Vine. However, I thought it would be fun to capture the more serious moment of the meeting with a funny Vine. It was a great experience! Christa Milley, fellow Co-President, and I just cracked up laughing for five minutes after watching the video. The Vine will definitely not go viral, and I have a lot to learn in terms of production value. However, the post means a lot to me because I had such a fun time laughing with Christa today. I plan to keep using Vine, mostly to just have a good laugh with my friends.

This piece was a product of my MIT Sloan class 15.S10 Social Media Management. Assignment: Create a piece of social media content that depicts life at MIT Sloan.

