
Nirav Chheda
Clear as Mud
Published in
1 min readApr 2, 2016

On April Fool’s Day in 2014, one of the simplest smartphone apps ever launched on the iOS store: Yo. The app allows you to send the message “Yo” to another user. That’s it yo.


Yo, when I heard of the app two years ago, I thought it was an April Fool’s joke. In fact, many people did, yo.

Yo it turns out that launching the “Yo” app on April Fool’s day was probably aligned with their business goal of getting a lot of downloads, because the idea of being an April’s Fool’s joke probably helped them with getting more publicity yo. This app, joke or not, was real and got $1.2 million in funding yo.

As a social media manager, I would have measured the success of the April Fool’s launch date in terms of how much press coverage the company got because of potentially being an April Fool’s joke yo. I’d report out on this campaign to a group of executives by showing stats on: 1) amount of press coverage, 2) number of downloads of the app, and 3) engagement metrics within the app. Yo.

