150 words about 26.2 miles and border collies on wheels

Rick Swagler
150 words about a ride
1 min readFeb 15, 2016

Mercedes sponsors Six26 Cycling, so the morning of the Mercedes Marathon our team was on course providing support. One responsibility was finding the women’s leader so a TV crew could follow her to the finish, but we also helped clear a path for her through runners still on their first lap. As she was pounding out mile after mile, each around 6:35, I felt a real responsibility to ensure nothing blocked her opportunity to win the women’s race. We politely shooed runners to the side so she had a clear path and alerted bystanders that the lead woman was coming up. And women really cheered her on. I found a new appreciation for the bike’s mechanical advantage. Our 26.2 miles was an easy 9 mph ride. But it gave us a unique, inspiring view of about 5,000 runners accomplishing hard-won individual achievements. Each solely on their own effort ~ no gears.

The ride: https://www.strava.com/activities/493507763



150 words about a ride
150 words about a ride

Published in 150 words about a ride

Roughly 150 words about a bike ride. It started out as an entry that was a runner-up in Bicycling magazine's 2014 Bill Strickland parody contest (http://www.bicycling.com/culture/people/meet-winner-2014-win-any-bike-contest) and became a way for me to remember and share rides.

Rick Swagler
Rick Swagler

Written by Rick Swagler

Cyclist. Southerner. Former Head of External Affairs for Regions Financial Corp.