Subversion 012. Nick Arnett on Being Taken Seriously as a Young Person & Starting Up in the Midwest

1517 Fund
Published in
1 min readJul 10, 2018
Nick, right, is the 1517 Community Partner.

Nick joins the podcast to discuss his roundabout way ending up as 1517’s Community Partner, starting up in the midwest, and how he got taken seriously as a (very) young person in his hometown.

You can also listen to Subversion with 1517 on the Podcasts app here.

Nick at 13 years old

1517 Fund supports teams led by dropouts with grants, investment, mentorship, and a community of 1,000+ peers and collaborators. Are you a hacker, maker, scientist, or founder? Schedule a call with us at



1517 Fund

1517 supports technology companies led by young founders. “A real education is a liberation.” — Nietzsche