Subversion 018. Marie Schneegans on Founding a Company in Europe & Doing Business Abroad

1517 Fund
Published in
1 min readSep 4, 2018
Marie Schneegans. pc:

Marie Schneegans is the cofounder and CEO of Never Eat Alone, a French company and app that lets employees at large companies meet each other and build connections. Marie had her idea for launching Never Eat Alone while working in the United States but chose to launch the company after moving to France, a relatively difficult place for doing business.

We discuss what goes in to launching a business in France (especially compared to her American subsidiary), how she’s built a community in Paris, and her advice for aspiring young founders who are building their businesses outside of the United States.

Subversion is a project of 1517 Fund. 1517 Fund supports teams led by young founders with grant, pre-seed, and seed stage funding. We also have a community of 1000+ peers, collaborators, and mentors. If you’re a young person working on a project, get in touch with us here.



1517 Fund

1517 supports technology companies led by young founders. “A real education is a liberation.” — Nietzsche