15toGO’s first camp

Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2018

Between 27th and 29th of April, 15toGO’s team, advisors and early investors gathered on our first camp. It was a significant step for the development of the project’s strategy, and we also discussed and made critical decisions regarding the product development, the token economy, the crowdsale, strategic partnerships, marketing campaigns, etc.

It was of great importance everyone to attend the camp — key supporters, developers, designers, marketing & strategy, legal team. We had an effective group brainstorming which stimulated everyone to be creative, participate and give ideas in order to form a solution. Involving everyone in the open discussion brought many notions and possibilities to think of. Starbusting was another technique we focused on, forming questions addressed to specific topics of the panels and thinking up how to deal with that in the future. This gives an added value of giving an instant accumulation of different viewpoints.

We, at 15toGO, believe that the team is what makes all the difference between a good idea and a full-scale successful project. Our team stands behind the idea and work hard every day to realize it. People in startups are those who are not just looking for a job but for a life experience. We are on the verge of providing an innovative solution to a problem, and everyone is contributing to this. The team is united by one cause and mission, everyone is passionate about the idea and invest their time, knowledge and capabilities to develop the project successfully.

The CEO and Co-founder of 15toGO, Peter Lozanov encourages everyone to actively participate and give their opinion, share new ideas, or present new approaches. This gave the opportunity for many topics to be extensively discussed during the different panels covering the fundamental areas of the project.

During the brainstorming sessions, many potential issues were discussed and cleared out, which helped us improve the whole development and strategic plan. Attracting the right agencies to the Marketplace was a key topic as it is vital to separate and pick the trusted and reputable ones from those whose value to the users is questionable. We also debated the functionalities of the MVP and the user acquisition process, both of which are connected with the token sale strategy. Many aspects of the whitepaper discoursed in regards to the token model communication and token economy.

Working together in the nature’s greenery is nice. But you know what’s great? Party in the pool, karaoke night, football games and all the other recreational activities we had over the camp. We had an amazing time, with lots of fun.

15toGO’s team is the backbone of the company and without these talented people, we could not be standing where we are! We are doing our best every day to ensure that the project will provide a major solution to both travelers and Local Tour Operators all over the world. Together we create more value for both sides, connecting them in one transparent, secure and decentralized Ecosystem.

Peter Lozanov, the CEO of the company, and Simeon Naydenov, an early supporter and investor are attending the biggest blockchain conference — Consensus 2018. They will be in New York between 10th and 18th of May for a series of events and meetings with industry leaders. Get in touch with us if you want to schedule a meeting or just say hi.

