7 Questions with Güray Mümün, 15toGO’s Android Developer

Published in
5 min readAug 17, 2018

Güray is an Android Developer who has a great knowledge in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Web Services and Data Structures. He has successfully developed projects utilizing tools and technologies such as Android SDK, JSON, Linux, C, C++, Java, Google Map API, etc. He gained extensive experience working for the blockchain startup Navigato.

Check his LinkedIn profile

1. What is your background and why did you join 15toGO?

I should start with the fact that I am relatively young for the IT industry, since I’ve been dealing with Android development for about 3 years now. This year I graduated from the Technical University in Sofia with a Bachelor degree in Computer and Software Engineering, as in the second course, thanks to my very good friend Kalin Tsekov, who’s a Blockchain Expert in 15toGO, I started my first freelance job as an Android developer in the Navigato project. In short, Navigato is a decentralized marketplace for electric vehicles services. At the same time I started work in another project by NET1, which is called PocketTV and is an application for watching TV through a mobile device — a phone or a tablet. All of this experience turned out to be quite valuable to me.
Joining the 15toGO team happened actually quite suddenly and unexpectedly. While I was looking for new challenges, Kalin Tsekov called me to tell me all about the new project that he’s a part of. He mentioned to me that they were looking for an Android Developer, so shortly after that he introduced me to 15toGO’s CTO Boris Vangelov, who turned out to be an incredible professional and an extremely positive person, who wanted to know more about my skills as an Android Developer. And so, in order to get a better understanding of the scope I met the CEO Peter Lozanov, as well as the co-founders Todor Gerovski and George Zlatkov. They are all remarkablе experts with huge experience within their fields. The very fact that they are so confident in their capabilities, have clear goals and plenty of ideas how to achieve them, convinced me to partake in this fascinating project.

2. What is your role in 15toGO team?
I am the project’s Android Developer. My role is connected to the building of the mobile app for Android OS devices, which includes several crucial responsibilities. First and foremost, is the creation of a user-friendly design, which I get from our lead designer (Martin Simeonov). I also write the app’s business logic (the integration of various APIs and SDKs), test the code, report any issues that I come across and debug them, making sure the whole code as perfect as possible. Furthermore, I constantly look into new technologies that can increase the efficiency of code writing and save us some time.

3. What gets you most excited about the project?

There are several things that really get me enthusiastic about the project. The most important of all is the fact that we are presented with the opportunity to change a whole industry, the way group traveling is being organized by giving birth to a system, in which both Blockchain and AI are implemented — it just sounds captivating to me!
Second, I have an amazing chance to work in a team, made up of professionals, some of whom have over 15 years of experience in their fields. I’m really happy by the fact that I am gradually improving my skills by learning new things from the people around me on a daily basis!

4. Where do you see the project in the next few years?

It might be difficult at the beginning, but seeing how consistent and hard-working we are, I am convinced that success will soon follow. Each and every one of us is focused on his own tasks, while pursuing a common goal. So, in my opinion in a few years we could become a social travel platform, which is being used by millions and millions of users from all over the world. Only time will tell, but I am very confident in this outcome.

5. Which do you think are the main challenges that the project and the team will face?

To me, the main challenge that the project will face is the same that gets me most excited (Laughing) — it’s the Blockchain and AI implementation. These are relatively new technologies, that are developing with the speed of light and we need to be up-to-date with the newest opportunities that they present to us in order for us to be prepared to make the most of them. Who knows where the limit to their capabilities are?

The second thing, and this has been mentioned by others before me as well, are the deadlines. One thing is certain — we have no time to lose. We need to accomplish a lot in a small amount of time, so the only thing we can do is act. In the long-term I think that we could face HR problems, since the project will be growing only bigger and finding the best possible professionals to join the team is an issue that every company, developing its own software product, faces.

6. How would you describe the atmosphere around 15toGO?

If I have to describe it with three words, those would be ‘motivating’, ‘optimistic’ and ‘fun’. Each and every one of us has a very positive attitude and is extremely inspired to contribute as much as possible to the development of the project. Alongside the professionalism in the workplace, the jokes aren’t uncommon as well, which considerably helps to balance the relationships within the team and reduce the emergence of any possible tension.

7. Tell us one interesting thing about yourself?

Maybe it will count as interesting the fact that I used to be an semi-pro football player. A few years ago and I used to play for FC Arda Kardzhali, whose manager at the time was one of the most beloved Bulgarian players — the former captain of PFC Levski — Elin Topuzakov. While doing this professionally, I’ve even taken part in international tournaments. Right now, however, I’m fully concentrated on the Android Development and I’m mainly playing when I gather with friends on some small football fields to enjoy the game.

The 15toGO app is now downloadable both for iOS and Android: https://15togo.page.link/medium

