7 Questions with Zoran Arsovski, Digital Marketing Manager of 15toGO

Published in
4 min readAug 28, 2018

Zoran has gained extensive experience in digital marketing by working for renowned companies such as Deltastock, Nestle and Telerik and later on as a Director Digital Marketing at Progress. With his invaluable input, 15toGO is constantly improving its marketing strategy.

Check his LinkedIn profile

  1. What is your background and why did you join 15toGO?

My background is in digital marketing. I have been doing it a bit over than 10 years so-far, specializing in various aspects — analytics, advertising, SEO, personalization. I can say that I have managed to become quite knowledgeable in my field because I did not concentrate on a single industry, but worked across various ones.

As for 15toGO, I was introduced to the team by a common friend, who’s also involved in the project. We got a meeting where we discussed with Peter Lozanov how to create a better user experience, how to measure all of the progress and how to reach a wider audience. It did not take me long to realize how huge this whole undertaking was and I got really excited when I was invited to take part in its development.

2. What is your role in the 15toGO team?

My title is Digital Marketing Expert. I work closely with the marketing and management team in order to get the best results possible. I contribute with my background by striving to create a better product, by implementing top-notch analytics, by tracking results to improve results, the UX, by helping with the communication planning, by spreading the idea across various channels and, basically, by reaching more people.
Almost all the marketing nowadays is digital — which gives us the chance to reach a wide audience easily, but at the same time space is overwhelmed by millions of advertisements trying to get everyone’s attention as well. Standing out becomes increasingly difficult, while the customers’ attention span becomes shorter and shorter. I am confident though that with a great product, such as ours, and the right marketing strategy, the word of mouth effect will be truly significant.

3. What gets you most excited about the project?

I do believe that there is a lot of innovation happening in the travel industry, but this project really combines some very smart technical solutions, In fact, it answers some very basic needs that users have — which are ‘I want to travel with my friends’ and ‘I want to travel with someone who I don’t know, but who share my passions’.

The decentralized platform, I believe, will change the way that people travel in general and the way they encounter others with common interests. We have the opportunity to let the community expand more naturally and evolve with time, without being ‘guided’ by us. If you apply a decentralized way of booking, it will revolutionize the way that booking works. It will definitely stand out among the other platforms.

4. Where do you see the project in the next few years?
The project in the next few years will gather a great community around it. We’ll probably be adding new technologies underneath to improve the whole experience. Machine learning, AI, big data, who knows what else! With the speed that the technology is developing, we need to keep an open mind about all the possibilities that the future will present to us.

5. Which do you think are the main challenges that the project and the team will face?
Whenever you are trying to introduce an innovation, you face problems. How to reach the right people, who want to travel? How to explain to them what 15toGO offers? How to get them engaged and retain them?

These are some of the biggest challenges, because of the platform’s unconventional approach. I would even say that the technical part is less of a challenge because it is there, it exists already. What we need to do flawlessly is tell the story to the users, so that they know how they can utilize the app in their everyday lives. WIt is not impossible, by all means, but we may have to think out of the box when approaching the potential users.

6. How would you describe the atmosphere around 15toGO?

This is probably my favourite question (Laughing). I have never seen a more energetic team, ever since I’ve started working in digital marketing. To my greatest joy, I see a lot of energy because the problem is very personal to the people on the team, which is always a good driver to get things done. A lot of people are giving their absolute maximum and are wishing to see this project succeed. I’m really excited to be a part of it, to observe how a world-class team collaborates, while pursuing a common goal. I can’t wait to see how all of this reaches millions of people out there.

7. Tell us one interesting thing about yourself?

I took part in a ‘Work&Travel’ program in the United States, back when I was younger. During my stay there I joined some organized group travels across this beautiful country — me and some strangers, that I had never met before, went around Arizona, Nevada, California, all of those breathtaking states in the West. It was among the most fun trips that I have ever had and I had the opportunity to meet many awesome people, with whom I still keep in touch! I keep coming back to this trip while working on 15toGO and I can’t wait to see these types of experiences become mainstream.

The 15toGO app is now downloadable both for iOS and Android: https://15togo.page.link/medium

