How 15toGO works for Local Tour Operators (LTOs)?

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4 min readMay 23, 2018

15toGO is here to disturb the travel industry utilizing blockchain technology. LTOs can offer trips directly on the decentralized Marketplace, cutting out the middleman. 15toGO will enable better margins for the LTOs and lower prices for the end customers.

Using the TGO token, we create a decentralized Marketplace and Ecosystem utilizing blockchain technology where Local Tour Operators can:

  • Offer their services directly to the Customers
  • Hire people from the community to help them organize and manage the trips
The booking process with legacy intermediaries involved
  1. The platform will facilitate the booking and customer support processes, resulting in increased revenue for the LTOs.

The booking will be done on the platform in an easy and intuitive way. Joining the platform is absolutely free. We will never take any bonuses or fees from the Local Tour Operators for signing up, posting a trip or generating bookings for their trips.

And it will stay that way.

Not paying commissions will increase the revenues of the LTOs and will give them an opportunity to improve the customer service they provide. All the booking options will be available on the Marketplace backend — a booking engine specially developed for the needs of the Tour Operators.

2 . The LTOs can communicate directly with the end customer, getting to know them better, and curating each trip for the particular group.

We are excluding the middleman using the benefits of the blockchain technology and empowering the community to participate in the travel servicing process. The Local Tour Operators will be able to offer trips directly to the end customer on the platform. Reducing the cost for all participants, the LTOs can focus better on the client servicing.

The shorter chain of communication between the parties and an improved overall process will greatly contribute to the quality of service in mid to long-term.

The LTOs will have the opportunity to look at the end customers’ preferences revealed from their personal accounts and the trips they have already booked. A chat functionality will be provided for every trip group, enabling the Tour Operators to engage with and get to know their customers. This will allow for the creation of curated itineraries and approach for each group.

3. Reduces the cost of trip management by improving the group communication process with notifications, chat and location-based services.

We are reducing the cost for communication and management for the LTOs. The platform will offer options that will ease the organization of the whole process. Each tour leader will be able to set meeting points, send push notifications, chat with the whole group or with particular travelers, etc. The trip management is essential in a group travelling and it appears that travel agents experience many problems in regards to that. There are many unexpected delays in the communication process and old-school methods when navigating the group are used.

4. The LTOs will be able to benefit from different bonus options that the platform provides.

After the main Token Generation Event (TGE) stage, 5% of the value of a trip will be unlocked in tokens for the LTOs through the Proof of Travel system, as long as 15 or more people have joined the trip. We want to stimulate the LTOs to promote the trips using their own communication channels, attracting more users to the 15toGO platform.

Tokens can be used by the agency in exchange for services provided by community members who can help with different tasks, such as promotion and marketing, filming, customer support, guides, etc.

The first 15 to join a trip take advantage of the ToGO Deal

5. The LTOs can offer job positions and gigs to people from the community

We know how hard is to grow a team and provide quality service to different groups and to sell on foreign markets at the same time. In the 15toGO decentralized Ecosystem everyone can benefit from the expertise and skills set of the community and pay for the services of its qualified members. That is the best way for LTOs to find and pay guides, influencers, marketing specialists, customer support, etc. using the TGO token.

The booking process through 15toGO’s platform

If you are a LTO Apply Here

