Cleveland Cavaliers’ DJ Steph Floss Says Tupac, Omar Epps’ Juice Film Inspired Him To DJ

👑 Brandon Robinson
16 Wins A Ring
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2017
Cleveland Cavaliers in-game dj, DJ Steph Floss and sports and entertainment journalist, Brandon ‘Scoop B’ Robinson. (Photo Credit: Angie Vasquez/Scoop Vision Media)

Have you ever seen the Movie, Juice?

The 1992 film, written by Ernest Dickerson took place in NYC and stars Omar Epps and the late Tupac Shakur. The film zeroes in on the ambition of up and coming disc jockey, Q, the character played by Omar Epps’ character.

Omar Epps and Tupac starred in Juice in 1992.

Guess who loves that movie? DJ Steph Floss, the Cleveland Cavaliers’ in-house DJ.

“I fell in love with DJ GQ who was Omar Epps’ character,” Floss told me on Scoop B Radio.

Click Here to Check Out DJ Steph Floss & Scoop B Talk Shop on #ScoopBRadio

Floss, a personality on Cleveland’s Z 107.9 FM, says that his older brother introduced him to the movie and it was a wrap ever since.

“As a result of that, I realized that this is exactly what I want to do,” DJ Steph Floss told me on Scoop B Radio. “I love music, I have no problem being in front of people and taking charge of crowds. I thought it would be dope if I could be a DJ.”

Floss was a late bloomer. He didn’t begin dj’ing until college. He used his college refund check, while a student a Ohio State, to purchase his equipment.

The rest is history.

Floss is behind all of the hot music that hear in-game and offers fans the opportunity to not only see good basketball and be entertained while doing so. “This isn’t to toot my horn or pat myself on the back, but the Cavs have the best in-game entertainment in all of the NBA,” he said.



👑 Brandon Robinson
16 Wins A Ring

My mission in life is to produce DOPE CONTENT! When it's all said and done, I'd like to say that I utilized all of my TALENTS that God gave me. 💪🏾