The New Generation of Explorers in Organizational Innovation

1789 Team Coffee talk series

Liisi Sukles
1789 Innovations
7 min readJun 29, 2020


In February 2020, our 1789 Innovations team of consultants, researchers & explorers were joined by two bright and very motivated new team members: Winnie & Leonardo, bachelor’s students in Digital Business Management at Wiesbaden Business School.

As they are approaching the end of their 5-month internship and proceeding to write their bachelor’s thesis, we sat down to speak about what’s next in store for the dynamic duo and what they have learned from a rather unconventional internship with the 1789 team.

How did you two end up joining the 1789 Innovations team? What’s the story behind?

Leo: I was participating in the Wiesbaden Business School “Digital Transformation & Innovation” course that Human from 1789 was lecturing in the last Winter Semester. I needed to find an internship to complete my studies, but didn’t have an idea which direction to go, so I simply decided to ask for some advice from him. He answered: “I might have some ideas for you, we could talk next week.” Then later he came back and said: “One option could be also joining our team!”

I had a vague idea of what you guys do, but I got my first real glimpse into the core business when I met the rest of the 1789 team — that meeting gave me a lot of motivation and a new perspective about working with the topics of organizational innovation.

Winnie: I was also taking the same course. The lectures were filled with new refreshing content and had opened my eyes to new ways of thinking about organizations in general. Also, the teaching vibe that Human (and Mary-Jane) had spread during the lectures was new to me. I asked Human for advice for my thesis but didn’t dare to ask for an internship at that time — however, luckily, he also proposed the same opportunity to me and this gave me a lot of courage and motivation. I was really gravitating towards your company’s mission to change the business world.

Leonardo — going with the flow!

What was the biggest difference that you have noticed when choosing this internship at a more unconventional, smaller company?

Leo: A new perspective on looking at things. I have now started to notice and analyze how almost all our university courses have something in common with digital transformation, from finance to supply chain management, etc. I think for me it has been quite interesting to have first studied foundational theory and then jump into a forward-thinking startup. That helped me craft my understanding on the future of organizations in a more practical way.

Winnie: When we started the lectures with Human, everything I had learned beforehand started to seem more and more irrelevant. Of course, my prior knowledge was important for basics, but this lecture series gave me the motivation to actually change something. It made me question whether I should pursue the more traditional world of work that is usually expected from young people fresh out of school or attempt to do something that could really make a difference.

From left: Leo, Mary-Jane, Winnie & Issa sharing research findings

What has been the biggest challenge being part of this crazy revolution with the 1789 team?

Leo: If I had to summarize these 5 months, without a doubt, the most unexpected challenge was to survive through “Corona-times”. Like most businesses around the world, we had to completely change our thinking, stay humble, and be flexible. Even if we are a small team, we also experienced firsthand how to surrender and embrace this new, unknown paradigm. It was letting go of expectations from something very concrete as a goal so that better opportunities were able to emerge. It was incredible to witness and be part of these turbulent times, yet stay so strong as a team and come out even more motivated.

Winnie: I agree with Leo. Also, the shift to remote work and doing the home office was quite refreshing. Personally, I had to learn to master autonomy and fully experience what it means to “be the change yourself.”

What has surprised you the most?

Leo: I think for me are the 1789 values that we reflect on each day (via Geekbot; via daily, weekly & monthly team meetings). We all have the same common set of values we try to work upon, and strive for greatness personally and as a team. I really sensed how we evolved together by sharing and reflecting on our progress.

Winnie: Also, the trust that you gain from sharing and living these values gives you the safe space to be who you really are. Each person in the team is unique and this blend of character, talent and mission makes it special.

Winnie brainstorming

We are known to be a bit of theory and research nerds, oftentimes doing Team Study Groups on new & interesting topics ranging from Systems Theory to Cybernetics. How do you relax after a long day of intense mental work?

Leo: It really depends on the day, but to mention one specific thing that I love to do, generally speaking, is gaming. In particular, I really love strategy games. Even when I am stressed or tired, I love this activity.

Winnie: For me it’s yoga. As we work in knowledge management, my head is very full of new ideas and concepts by the end of the day. This helps me to unwind.

What is your current favorite source of knowledge?

Winnie: 1789' Corporate Therapy Podcast, hehe! But the Harvard Business Review is also a great source.

Leo: This year, I discovered — it’s a great source for new content and diverse set of ideas.

Winnie & Leo at a project briefing

If you could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it — what would it say and why?

Leo: I think right now it’s the perfect time to say not only “No to racism”, but in general — “We as people, are the same.” I stand behind it.

Winnie: “Just go for it, you’ve got nothing to lose!” If you have an opportunity, don’t hesitate, but go for it!

In your opinion, what do you see as the biggest pain point in today’s organizations and how do you see tackling this change?

Winnie: Because of the topics we have been working with and discussing with the team, my perspective on how organizations should work in the future, has changed. Also, the perspective from System’s Theory has opened my eyes. I now see much better how everything is connected! I also have been digging into the philosophy behind the New Work concept, the book “New Work, New Culture” by Frithjof Bergmann really changed my thinking. It made me reflect as well that, after this internship, am I going back to the “old” ways of working in organizations? I really don’t imagine that any more.

Leo: I have a simple but at the same time a very complicated answer because you cannot really tackle it. I reflected a lot on what problems different organizations have and almost every time it comes back to how financial systems work. It comes back to money and the systems that we created and what are our incentives. We need to find a solution on how to motivate ourselves differently in order to start craving real innovation and organizational development.

Winnie: I think it’s also the general problem with job titles, egoism, and elbow-pushing. It leads to a lack of empathy, where you can’t be yourself around people, but have to wear a mask, pretending to be someone else to get yourself to your goals.

What advice would you give to the young generation like yourself? What advice should they ignore?

Winnie: Take the risk and don’t lose the chance!

Leo: My friends, fail as often as you can! Because your experience and knowledge are based on how often you fail. Go out and try as many things as you feel like, fail, and then learn from it!

What is your personal revolution?

Winnie: I think my mission is connecting the world of work with a concept of New Work, changing businesses so that people can be more like their real selves. If everybody would do what they really, really want to do, a world would be a better place.

Leo: I am still looking for it and really looking forward to this exploration. But I know it is in the area of helping or supporting people to live better lives.

Thank you Winnie and Leo!

I am Liisi from 1789 — Beyond Revolution. We are a group of experts who are fundamentally rethinking the ways future organizations are designed and led in the digital age. Contact us & let’s have a chat!

